Follow me as I blog about all things London when I fly across the pond to study Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre during two weeks of intense training in the Globe Education Academy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

GEA - Day 7

July 20, 2010

I don't even know where to begin about today.  We had a voice session with Stewart and a movement session with Glynn, part of which included watching a tech rehearsal of Anne Boleyn.  After dinner we rehearsed for four hours and got ready for our midnight performance at The Globe.  I will post videos of each of the groups when I get home because it looks like they will take a couple of hours to upload here.  Everyone did such a great job in their scenes.  I'm really proud of all of us.

 Pictures from top to bottom: Whole group with our directors, Whole group with the $$$ Dr. Thelma Scott-Skillman - President, Folsom Lake College and Professor Harold Levine - Dean of School of Education UC, Davis, First group with their director Bill, My group with director Jo.

Even though I am a Drama teacher, I don't have much experience with performance.  I am pretty good at bossing my students around on stage, but have only been the actor once during The Music Man my Senior year of high school.  I took a couple of Theatre classes in college too, but I've always felt that I fell into the catagory of "Those who can't, teach!"  I don't feel that way now because I know I can.

From this point, our sessions are going to focus on what we need to do to work with our students to bring them to perform at the Mondavi Center in November.  Since I already have my own way of bringing performance out of students, I am very interested to learn what our practitioners have to say.  Our show might be over, but we are certainly not done yet.

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